The words eco friendly, sustainable, and green have become prevalent over the years. They’ve become buzzwords in discussions about the environment and climate change.

These words are especially popular ways to describe a cleaning product or service. Many independent house cleaners are often asked if they do green cleaning. Questions about using green products are common too. The interest is not surprising. More people are opting for products that have a less negative impact on their health. There’s also a lot of concern for the environment.

The pandemic also played its part in the demand for eco friendly cleaning methods and items. After all, regular disinfection and deep cleaning are the best ways of fighting COVID. Exposure to large amounts of chemicals in disinfectants is also worrying. Using an eco friendly cleaning product can be a load off your mind.

Defining Eco Friendly Cleaning

“Eco friendly” refers to something that’s not harmful to the environment. It’s often used to describe products that don’t cause or add to pollution. It’s also a term used for practices or items that help conserve natural resources. For example, cleaners for hire can advertise their use of eco friendly cleaners.

What about green cleaning? It’s a general term often used to cover non-polluting processes or products. Some people think of green cleaning as using natural substances like lemons.

It doesn’t matter if you use the term green or eco friendly cleaning. The goal is the same – to help safeguard the environment.

Understanding the Importance of Eco Friendly Clearing

A recent study revealed that about 64% of Americans tend to splurge more on green products. Gen Z consumers are leading the way in this regard. Their influence is also expected to spread to the younger generation as well. What’s interesting is that many Baby Boomers and Gen Xers are now open to paying more for these products as well. That’s good news, especially in light of the extreme weather the world is experiencing now.

Eco friendly cleaning is something many residential and commercial cleaning companies are embracing. You should too. Here’s why green cleaning is important:

· The World Needs All the Help It Can Get

Countries are not doing enough to safeguard the environment. Climate change’s impact has never been clearer than what we’re seeing now. The US and Europe are in the midst of a heat wave. While this is happening, China and other countries in Asia are experiencing flooding.

Opting to use green products is a good way of helping Mother Nature. You might think a simple action is insignificant. But when done by millions, the impact is immense.

· Your Home Becomes Safer

Take a quick look at the cleaning products in the home cleaning aisle. Many of them carry labels warning consumers that they’re flammable or toxic. It’s scary how true those labels are. Most conventional cleaning products have dangerous chemicals, like ammonia or chlorine bleach. Mixing some of these cleaners can have catastrophic consequences.

Households with pets and small children should become concerned. Your young ones and fur babies are vulnerable to high chemical exposures. Household cleaners are also one of the top causes of poisoning in the US.

Green cleaners are not dangerous or toxic. Something as simple as switching products can save your family and make your home safer.

· You’ll Feel Healthier

It’s in your best interest to use green and sustainable products. Make sure the independent cleaning services you hire use eco friendly cleaning materials. You’re assured that these products won’t hurt you. Any allergies or symptoms like headaches will disappear if you go green.

Consider the alternative. Many of the chemicals used in regular cleaning products are neurotoxins and carcinogens. There are also mutagens. Regular exposure could result in cancer or endocrine problems.

· You Get to Save Your Dollars

You can return some greenback to your wallet if you choose green cleaners. Many non-polluting household cleaning products are for many uses. One liquid cleaner is good for cleaning floors, walls, and other surfaces. Another might be ideal for all types of glass.

Don’t become intimidated by the organic or all-natural labels. Prices for these products are competitive. They can go toe-to-toe with their conventional counterparts. You can even find many that are cheaper than the branded ones.

Are you up for more savings? You can make your own cleaning materials. Mixing a drop or two of a liquid dishwashing soap with vinegar is enough. You can also use lemons and baking soda to significant effect.

· It’s Time to Give Back to Your Community

A lot of makers of green products have a strong sense of social responsibility. You can look for a company that donates a part of its revenue to special organizations. They could be supporting one of your advocacies. There are companies that support environmental and social change. Many also push for educational aid. Buying their products is a win-win proposition. You get a clean house and you help your community.

Many businesses providing office cleaning services are also going the green route. They use non-polluting materials and methods. Many even champion sustainability. Why not give them the chance to clean your home or business? You’ll be doing a world of good.

Safeguard Your Family and Home

You can enjoy a clean home and do your part in protecting the environment with Clean My Space CT. We’re one of the top cleaning companies in Connecticut. We’ve been in the industry since 2008 and we haven’t disappointed our clients yet. All our cleaners are highly-trained and professional. We offer residential cleaning and office cleaning services. We also do move in/move out cleaning. Call us at (860) 539-8725 or email us at