It is important to keep your house clean and healthy. It is especially vital during the summer months. That’s because bacteria and germs grow much faster in hot and wet conditions. Both of which are usually provided by the summer temperatures.

Cleaning during summer might sound like a total buzzkill. This is especially true for people who crave rest. This article will tell you why thorough cleaning of your home in summer is important. It will also give you an idea of the things you need to do when doing summer cleaning.

Why Summer Home Cleaning is Important

It is easy to forget that a hot period brings bigger danger to people’s health. Apart from the threat of heatstroke, there’s the fact that bacteria thrive in warm and wet areas. An example is your home’s bathroom. This area is more often used during summer.

There’s also the sand, dirt, dust, and allergens tracked into your house. These can contaminate carpets, bed linen, and home textile. Moreover, kids are home from school during the summer. It means there’s a regular mess to deal with now that they are home.

Here are some of the reasons why you need to spend time cleaning your home during the summer:

● Children Will Be Home

Summer means a lot more family time, especially if you have kids. After all, children are out of school for a few months during this period. While this means more time to spend with your loved ones, it also means a lot more work for the parents. That’s because kids tend to break out all their toys and leave them scattered all over the place. Kids fond of the outdoors tend to leave muddy shoe prints on the carpets or tiles. To avoid the spread of germs, regular cleaning is a must.

● Mess Brought By Summer

Most people agree that summer is a magical and romantic time. But most tend to forget that the warm months also bring their own set of cleaning challenges. There’s the mud and muck that comes from summer storms. There are also the sweat stains that always seem to end up on your couch after a humid day.

Moreover, a lot of people vacate their homes over the summer to go on trips. Because of that, there’s a mad scramble to clean before they take off. There’s also the worry that they need to immediately clean when they get back. In such cases, a housekeeping routine can do wonders when it comes to the common cleaning hassles. You should also make a cleaning plan ahead of time.

● Can Help Stay Cool During The Summer

When the weather gets sweltering, people will do whatever they can to help stay cool. You can beat the summer heat with a strategic cleaning plan. Consider cleaning your air conditioning vents. After all, these spots are huge gathering points of dust and other allergens. Over time, when the vents gather dust, they send out less cool air. This buildup can make it harder for allergy sufferers to breathe.

What To Do When Doing Summer Cleaning

The spring season is often associated with cleaning. But this doesn’t mean you can forget your household chores during the summer months. After all, the heat, humidity, mold, and rain can take a toll on your home. Don’t worry, you won’t ruin your summer if you keep the cleaning of your house up to date. Especially if you know how to do it right.

Here is a guide to some of the things you need to do when doing summer cleaning:

● Dust More Often

Being around dust can trigger an allergic reaction, preventing you from enjoying summer. To avoid this problem, you should do regular dusting more often during the summer. Make sure to dust the ceiling fans as they can stir up dust and pollen.

Before you turn on your fan, make sure to remove dust and debris. You can use an old pillowcase. Spray the interior of the pillowcase with an all-purpose cleaner if you have one. After that, slip it over one of the fan’s blades. As you wipe, you will notice that the grime gets trapped inside the pillowcase. After cleaning, you should reverse the direction of the blades. This way, the fan brings cold air downward instead of pushing warm air around the room.

Keep Odors Away

Trash can smell very badly during the summer season. That’s because heat and humidity create the perfect environment for bacteria growth. They create an unpleasant smell inside your trash cans. This problem will worsen when the humid summer air captures these bad smells. It will keep the smell around for longer than usual.

If you want to prevent this problem, you can sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your trash can. Baking soda will absorb the bad odors before they spread throughout your home.

● Prevent The Growth of Mildew and Mold

Mold and mildew usually grow faster in humid summer weather. Especially in areas of your home that are already humid. These include your bathroom and washing machine. You should keep mold and mildew out of your laundry room. You can do that by leaving the washing machine door open when not in use. This will dry out the machine and lower the humidity level as well. Thus, mold and mildew will not grow.

● Clean Out Your Fridge

You should clean out your refrigerator. You can start by working one section at a time. Then, transfer the items to a cooler and wipe down fridge surfaces with a damp cloth. You can wash the removable shelves and drawers at the sink with warm water and dish soap. When you restock, make sure to check the date and toss anything that’s past its prime.

Do you need professional help in cleaning your house during the summer months? You can hire a residential cleaning service from Clean My Space CT. We also offer office cleaning services and commercial cleaning. We provide move in/move out cleaning and disinfection services too. For inquiries, you can call us at (860) 539-8725. You can also send us an email at and request a quote.