We bet you want to have a clean home. However, you have to be realistic and ask yourself.

Do you have the time to do it? 

If you don’t, the best solution is to hire experts like Clean My Space.On the other hand, if you think this is just an issue of time management, allow this post to help you with your problem. We’ll give you practical tips on how you can have a flexible cleaning routine.

What You Should Do Every Day

The key to having a cleaner home is to ensure that the clutter doesn’t accumulate over time. That’s why we recommend doing these activities every day.

Make Your Bed 

A neatly made bed is a good indicator of how tidy the rest of the room is. Don’t underestimate its power. You can do this in under five minutes. While doing it, you can condition yourself by listening to good music.

  • Clear everything off your bed
  • Ensure that the fitted sheet is tucked in
  • Place the top sheet
  • Make hospital corners
  • Add the duvet
  • Fluff the pillow

Check Floors 

You don’t have to vacuum all the time, especially if you are busy with other things. What we do recommend is that you regularly check your floors to see if there is dirt that you need to sweep. A good indoor broom and dustpan can do the trick.

Remove the Clutter 

Here’s a fast way to declutter. We’re confident you’ll find the suggestions simple to implement.

  • Remove the garbage
  • Toss anything that doesn’t belong in the kitchen
  • Keep the reading materials neat and in order
  • Clean out the cabinet one drawer at a time
  • Get rid of unused stuff from your home office

Wipe Counters 

Dirty countertops are breeding grounds for germs. A great strategy to reduce exposure to hazardous food-borne germs is maintaining clean and hygienic working surfaces.

Tasks That You Can Do Weekly 

Instead of doing everything in one day, you can schedule a couple of cleaning chores every day. Here’s a good example.

  • Monday: Vacuum
  • Tuesday:  Bathrooms
  • Wednesday: Dusting
  • Thursday: Wash and mop the floor
  • Friday: Do everything that was not completed

We didn’t include the weekend because we just want you to enjoy a clean home by then. However, if Saturdays and Sundays are the best days for you to clean, you can freely adjust the schedule.

Find Cleaning Tools and Appliance To Help You 

What’s great with our technology is that several automatic, smart, and practical cleaning tools and appliances can help you clean your house. Splurge a bit if you must. After all, nothing beats going home to a clean house after a long day of work.

Here are a few of our recommendations:

  • Robot vacuum connected to Wi-Fi
  • Air purifier
  • Robot mop
  • Fast scrubber
  • Toilet bowl cleaning system
  • Microwave cleaner
  • Automatic carpet cleaner
  • Robot window cleaner
  • Brush for blinds

How to Motivate Yourself to Clean Your Home 

If the tips above don’t seem to work, you can always find the right motivation to clean your house.

Break Huge Tasks Into Smaller Chores

Putting your clothes away, vacuuming the carpet, wiping down the mirror and windows, making the bed, and dusting the dresser might all seem like a monumental, overwhelming effort. If you’re feeling overwhelmed just looking at everything, try breaking everything down into manageable chunks.

Create a List of What Needs To Be Accomplished 

Checking items off a list as they are completed is a great way to feel accomplished. This will encourage you to keep working toward your goals. If you know you’re just five marks away from achieving your objective, the task at hand becomes much more doable.

Do The Cleaning First Thing in the Morning 

Doing tasks first thing in the morning will help you maintain the sensation of achievement throughout the day. This will increase your motivation to clean since you will remember how amazing that feeling of success is.

We Make Your Cleaning Life Easier

Our team at Clean My Space may handle the hard work. Your home will be spotless even if you don’t have the time to clean it. Just give us a call, and we’ll send over our top cleaning crews at your convenience to do regular cleaning service.

Hiring a monthly maid service can provide a number of benefits for busy individuals and families. Here are five reasons why you might want to consider hiring a professional cleaning service:

1. Save time and energy: Cleaning your home can be a time-consuming and physically demanding task, especially if you have a busy schedule. Hiring a monthly maid service allows you to delegate these tasks to professionals, freeing up your time and energy to focus on other priorities.
2. Improve the cleanliness and appearance of your home: Professional cleaners have the skills and experience to thoroughly clean your home, ensuring that it is clean and well-maintained. This can improve the appearance of your home and create a more welcoming and comfortable environment for you and your family.
3. Reduce stress: Keeping up with household chores can be a source of stress for many people. By hiring a monthly maid service, you can alleviate this burden and enjoy a cleaner home without the added stress of trying to do everything yourself.
4. Improve your health: A clean home is a healthier home. Professional cleaners use high-quality cleaning products and techniques to eliminate dirt, dust, and other contaminants that can contribute to allergies and other health issues. By hiring a monthly maid service, you can help to improve the air quality and overall health of your home.
5. Build a relationship with your cleaning team: When you hire a monthly maid service, you will have the opportunity to build a relationship with your cleaning team. This can be especially beneficial if you have special cleaning needs or requests, as you will be able to communicate directly with your cleaners and ensure that they are meeting your specific needs.

Overall, hiring a monthly maid service can provide a number of benefits for busy individuals and families. From saving time and energy to improving the cleanliness and appearance of your home, a professional cleaning service can help to make your life easier and more enjoyable. So, it is always a good idea to hire a monthly maid service.

Please contact us at (860) 539-8725 or send an email to info@cleanmyspacect.com