Setting up a filing cabinet is not as easy as you think. It doesn’t matter whether you’re working in a big company or organizing your files at home. The amount of documents we need to deal with is staggering.

You can’t even run from it. You have to file them so you can keep track of them. Otherwise, you’ll be spending hours searching for one paper. The challenge is organizing your files the proper way. Many people believe it’s a simple matter of putting papers in folders. These are then placed in a box, drawer, or cabinet.

The truth is you need to do more if you want your files to become organized. The good news is we’re here to help you with your file cabinet organization. Follow these suggestions and you’ll be organizing like Marie Kondo.

Come Together

Your first job is to follow that Beatles song and have all your files come together. Get them from wherever you placed them. Do you have files in your bedroom or in the attic? It’s time to bring them out.

It’s important that you have them in one area. It will lessen distractions. It also reduces the odds that you’ll have to start again when you find more forms in the garage.

Divide Documents into Categories

One organization guru says you should make five piles of documents. You should have piles for action and archive. You should also make space for personal documents, like your home expenses and such. There should also be a recycle and shred category.

Place your papers in the relevant category. Bills can go in the action pile while tax forms belong in the archive. Slid them inside folders or envelopes, whatever you prefer. Sorting them at this stage will make your life easier later on.

Develop Your Own File System

Don’t place those documents in the filing cabinet until you’ve decided on a system. Some will file by date or by topic. It always depends on you. Every mind is unique and this difference is the key to ensuring proper file organization.

If you’re better with visuals, color coding your files could make it easier for you. Others with OCD tendencies might prefer arranging the folders by alphabet. You can also organize them based on frequency. You can place the documents you always need in the top drawer.

Keep Special Files Separate

It’s also a good idea to place special files somewhere else. What are these special files? These can be documents that you need to keep close. It can also be papers about your household. For example, the bills or your rental contract. You can even include recipes in this category.

Keeping them in a distinct place means you’ll always know where to find them. You won’t have to open the third drawer down and look through different folders for them.

Think About Your Digital Needs

Is house cleaning becoming a chore because of all the paper? You should consider getting rid of them forever. Going paperless is always a good option. But you should also keep your digital files organized. You can start by thinking of a good filing system. It might even be better if there’s a hierarchy. For example, your folder on Bills could still become divided into years or types of bills.

A key takeaway here is you should always be consistent with filing. Make sure you organize your files on a regular basis.

Helping People Keep Their Life Organized

Keeping your home or office clean and clutter-free isn’t easy. But you can do it with Clean My Space CT. We’re one of the top cleaning companies in the Connecticut area. We’ve been in the cleaning industry for years and we have happy customers to prove it. We provide office and commercial cleaning services. We also do residential cleaning and Covid 19 coronavirus sanitizing. Why not give us a buzz at (860) 539-8725? We’ll be waiting for your call.