It’s amazing how big a mess someone so small and young can make. Preschool-age children seem to have more stuff than their parents. Who else can have a mountain of clothes and toys in one room? That’s not even mentioning the books, papers, and sundry art materials.

A parent’s first reaction to seeing a messy bedroom is to clean it. After all, you don’t want your child to sleep in a dirty bed. A messy room is also a magnet for insects and bacteria. But the sheer amount of toys, books, and school stuff can make cleaning a young child’s room seem daunting. It doesn’t have to be. Follow these steps that independent house cleaners use.

How to Clean Your Room for Kids

Your child’s bedroom might look like a gigantic battle happened there. You might even feel like you’re about to embark on a cleaning war. You can hire a housekeeper. But doing it yourself might be better and cheaper. It’s a good thing there are strategies you can use to get the room clean in an hour or less.

· Wait Until the Child is Gone

You’ll have an easier and faster time cleaning a kid’s room without the said child interrupting you. You might think it’s adorable that your five-year-old wants to help. But children have short attention spans. There’s a good chance they’ll find something to play with while picking up their toys.

· Get Everything Ready

Get all the cleaning supplies you need before you tackle this job. You’ll need a broom or vacuum, trash bags, and furniture polish. Clean rags and paper towels will also come in handy. Place the clothes hamper and trash where you can see them. You also need a toy box. Don’t start cleaning until you have everything. You don’t want to waste time looking for a rag after you’re done vacuuming.

You should also get yourself ready. Wear your cleaning clothes. Tie your hair. Get your music ready. It will make the task go faster if you have a bit of fun.

· Put the Hamper and Trash Can to Good Use

Toss the dirty clothes and trash in their respective receptacles. Don’t waste your time turning the dirty shirts or pants right side out. You can do that when you do the laundry. The goal is to clean as fast as you can. Do the same with the trash. Pick up everything you know that’s headed to the garbage bin.

· Store the Toys

You should also put the toys in the toy box or shelves. You don’t need to sort them out yet. Leave that job to your child. You only want to get the toys off the floor and out of your way. It will make cleaning the room safer for you. There’s nothing more painful than stepping on a toy soldier or a Lego.

· Straighten Up the Bed

Children between the age of four to six-years-old can learn to make their beds. Don’t expect the bedsheets to be smooth or the pillows fluffed to perfection though. You can help them out by straightening the bedsheet or comforter. Fluff the pillows and arrange them in a neat pile. It will look better. Plus, making up the bed will also reveal hidden toys, food, or books.

· Wipe Off the Dirt

It’s time to deal with the dust and dirt on the desk and windowsills. Get a cleaning rag and give all the surfaces in the room a quick wipe. Put all the knick-knacks and books to one side before you clean one area. You can organize and neaten desks and shelves afterward.

You should also give windows and mirrors a wipe down. Use a good glass cleaner to make them sparkle and shine. Use a microfiber cloth to clean computer monitors and TV screens.

· Deal with the Floor

The last job on your cleaning list is the floor. Since it’s clear of toys and clothes, you can sweep or vacuum without problems. It’s best practice to start at one corner and work your way towards the door. Don’t forget to clean under the furniture. Move the lighter pieces. You might even find a stray toy or sock as well. But leave the heavy closet or bed in place.

Get Your Preschooler in on the Action

Hiring independent cleaning services is a good option for busy parents. A better idea is to get your preschooler to help you. Teach them how to clean their room. Your four-year-old might not be able to use the vacuum yet, but they can pick up their dirty clothes and toys.

There are many good reasons to teach your child how to clean their room and do other household chores. One study showed that successful people and high achievers have something in common. Most of them did household chores as children.

The simple act of cleaning their room instills a good work ethic in young children. They also learn effective organization skills. This is a habit that will help them in school and beyond. It might start with a tidy bedroom, but it can lead to a better and more organized way of studying. They won’t forget their homework. They’ll also finish their projects on time.

Helping You Get Ready for Success

It’s hard to juggle work and play. You can achieve it with the help of Clean My Space CT. We’re one of the premier cleaning companies in Connecticut. Our company has been helping home and business owners for decades. We have a great team of well-trained and skilled cleaners. We specialize in residential cleaning and commercial cleaning. We also have good disinfection services and move in/move out cleaning services. You can ring us at (860) 539-8725. Want to get a quote? Send us a message at