When you have allergies, sometimes you get desperate for ways to make things a little easier. Especially in the summer months when many environmental allergies can be at their worst, looking for a way to ease the effects on you and your household can become top of the list. 

What many don’t realize is that one of the easiest ways to help reduce the effect of allergies during any time of the year can be to clean regularly and then deep clean often. By doing this, you regularly get rid of allergens so they don’t build up and have a huge effect on you long term. 

Plus, it means you almost always have a clean home. And who doesn’t love that? Here are some of the main ways you can clean your home to help with your allergies. 

Weekly House Cleaning: The Key to Success

You know what they say: consistency is key. When it comes to allergy cleaning, that couldn’t be more true. 

In order for any of the tips and tricks we give you to make a difference, you have to do it regularly. It might seem like a hassle at first but if you designate a day to be your cleaning day, it can become a family tradition and something you become used to. Plus, after about a month or so, or maybe even a shorter time frame, you should start to notice a difference. 

Vacuums Are Your Best Friend

Using the proper tools to clean your home is the first step in making your allergy cleaning prices impactful. Vacuums should become your best friend and here’s why. 

They can clean practically anything. Upholstery, blankets, rugs and floors of all kinds. All areas where allergen particulates like to lay around on and stir up anytime the wind blows. 

By vacuuming as much as possible, maybe even two or three times a week, you suck up the particles that may be lying around and wreaking havoc on your immune system. Most vacuums have specialized tools that can be used for furniture and rugs, allowing you to get an even deeper clean. 

There are even specialized vacuums for those who suffer from allergies such as HEPA filter vacuums and vacuums that use ultraviolet light to kill 99% of allergens it comes into contact with. 

Make Sure You Dust Everywhere…We Mean Everywhere

It can be so easy to use a duster, swipe it over the things you can see and move on. However, you would be missing the point of dusting and therefore missing an important step in your allergy cleaning process. 

If there’s one thing you don’t want to leave behind after a long day of cleaning, it’s dust particles. Dust particles float in the air and grasp onto practically any surface or object, such as shelves, countertops and knick-knacks. Unfortunately, you’ll never be able to clean all the dust from your home but getting a good portion of it can help tremendously. 

Although it can be tempting to simply glaze over, make sure you take the time to get into the cracks and crannies of everywhere. And don’t forget about pictures on the wall, your air vents and the fans around your home. To boost your effectiveness, try to use disposable dusters so you can use them once and throw them away. 

Clean Up After Your Furry Family Members

We get it. Your pets are like members of the family. However, those members of the family can be adding to the allergies you have so it’s important to clean up after them.

Pet dander can be one of the leading causes for skin irritation, especially dander from cats. Pet dander is a lot like dust and sticks to everything it comes into contact with. So if you let your pet sleep on the bed or lay on the furniture, their hair and dander will be all over it. 

This is where we bring up vacuuming again. Make sure you vacuum the areas they are in regularly, especially your furniture and bed. You’ll also want to clean their bedding and blankets regularly as moving them around and spew dander and allergens into the air. 

Launder Items Frequently

A great way to fight against allergies is to make sure you’re laundering your items frequently, at least once a week. The things we’re talking about include:

  • Clothes
  • Bedding
  • Blankets
  • Outerwear
  • Pillows
  • Pet beds
  • Stuffed animals

You’ll want to wash them in hot water, preferably in laundry detergent that is unscented or hypoallergenic. This will kill dust mites and rinse off any other allergens that are on your items, especially your bedding. 

Also, make sure you don’t air dry your items. Try to dry them immediately after washing in warm or hot temperatures to make everything as sanitary as possible. 

The Benefits of Hiring Professional Cleaners

If you don’t have the time to take these cleaning steps — or maybe you just don’t like cleaning — then hiring house cleaning services like the ones we offer at Clean My Space CT might be the best option for you. Our services are customizable and created with you in mind so if allergies are your top concern, they will be ours as well. 

Our customers love working with us because not only are we affordable, but we’re the type of investment that pays off after only one service. We have the ability to offer three main services that would be great for allergy sufferers:

  • Regular residential cleaning services: The best option and the most effective way to stay on top of your cleaning needs to help with your allergies. 
  • Spring cleaning services: A great way to get your home ready for the upcoming allergy season and get out whatever allergens have been lingering around for months. 
  • Disinfection services: Not only will these services get rid of almost all allergens, but you also get an extra level of cleaning that gets rid of germs and bacteria. 

Any one of these services can be scheduled as often as you want. If you want them to be monthly cleaning services we can do that. If you want us to come clean your home daily we can provide that as well. Your cleaning plan will be whatever you make it. 

Working With Clean My Space CT

Thanks to our extensive cleaning guidelines and procedures, we’re able to offer our services to a large area. Even if your home doesn’t fall within our area, we still encourage you to reach out. 

For more information on our residential cleaning services — or for more guidance on how to create the perfect allergy cleaning plan — request a quote today. We can’t wait to meet you.