The walls in our home do so much more than hold up the structure or keep the elements out. We use walls to divide the area or as a focal design point for the room. Most people have them painted or many have them wallpapered. Some prefer to use wall paneling while others will hang paintings or photos.

Despite its importance, walls don’t get cleaned as often as floors. But they also get stained and smudged. One reason is most people don’t know how to clean walls. It’s best practice for you to know as well. It only takes a few simple DIY steps.

Prepare Your Cleaning Supplies

Any kind of residential cleaning will go faster if you prepare what you need beforehand. You don’t need to buy any special cleaner or equipment for cleaning walls. You only need the basic cleaning implements. Here’s what you should prepare:

  • Clean, soft cloth or rags
  • Tack cloth
  • Liquid soap (you can use hand or dishwashing soap)
  • Water and bucket/ container
  • Vacuum with a dust brush
  • Baking soda
  • Stain remover
  • Hydrogen peroxide

Don’t use ammonia-based cleaners. Most liquid soaps are mild but effective cleaners. You should also avoid abrasive materials so the paint isn’t damaged.

Lay Out Towels

Get out your old towels or rugs. Make sure they’re clean. Lay them down along the base of the walls. This will protect your floors from dripping water and dust. It will also protect you from slips.

Start Dusting

Start the cleaning process with a good old-fashioned dusting. You can use the dust brush attachment on your vacuum. A soft-bristled broom will also work if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner. A dry mop head is another alternative. Wrap the head with a clean rag. This will ensure that you won’t make any dents or scratches on the walls.

Wipe the walls down with a tack cloth after you’re done dusting them. Don’t forget to include the molding and baseboards when brushing down walls. You can use a foam craft brush for this.

Prepare Your Cleaning Solution

The next thing you should do after dusting is to prepare your cleaning mix. Fill up a bucket (or whatever container you have) with a gallon of warm water. Add a tablespoon or two of liquid soap. You can add more if you want. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture. Wring out excess water. You don’t want it to be dripping wet.

You should test your cleaning solution first. While soap and water are one of the mildest cleaning agents you can make, it’s still best to do a test run. Wipe clean a small patch of wall. Pick an area that’s not noticeable. The wall behind the sofa or painting is a good choice. Testing is important since some wall finishes can be delicate.

Wash the Walls

You can start washing the walls once the test patch turns out okay. Start cleaning the wall from the top and work your way down. Wipe the surface using a light, circular motion. Try to apply as little moisture as you can. You don’t want to saturate the wall with water. This could lead to watermarks and bubbling.

Deal with Stubborn Stains

You might become tempted to apply pressure or scrub hard if you find a stain or a stubborn spot. Refrain from doing so. There are different ways to deal with stubborn spots. One method is to use baking soda. It’s one of the best stain fighters you can find. And it’s all-natural. Mix half a cup of baking soda with ¼ cup water. Make a paste out of it. Rub it on the stained part and leave it for a few minutes. Wipe it off. Make sure you do this with a gentle hand.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide. Dab a bit of the solution on your cleaning cloth. Use the one with the liquid soap solution. Press it on the stain for five minutes. It will be easier to wipe off afterward.

Do you have grease stains on your kitchen wall? You can get rid of it using an iron. Place a paper towel on top of the stain. Set your iron on low heat. Press it on top of the paper towel for one minute. The heated towel will absorb the grease. Lift it off and you’ll see a clean wall underneath.

Rinse and Dry

Get another clean cloth. Soak it in clean water. Wring it out so it’s not too wet. Wipe down the wall with it. The next step is to run a clean and dry towel over the wall surface. Don’t forget to use a gentle touch. You can also leave the wall to air dry. Make sure you open the windows to make the process go faster.

Keep it Clean

Walls need cleaning on a regular basis. Even commercial cleaning companies spend time paying attention to the walls. You should also focus on high-traffic areas. Kitchen walls often need a good wipe down. The walls in your hallway or living room also need attention. Don’t forget to wipe problem areas like light switches and doorknobs.

Clean walls will make your home look brighter and more beautiful. It also keeps you and your family healthy and safe. You can make cleaning them go faster by including them in your regular cleaning schedule.

Experience Hassle-Free Cleaning

There’s no need to do deep cleaning every week. But make sure you spend equal time cleaning your home’s floors, walls, and ceiling. Or you can leave all the heavy lifting to the trained cleaners of Clean My Space CT. We are one of the best cleaning companies in the Connecticut area. We’ve been in the business for more than a decade. Our team is famous for its skills and professionalism. We offer residential and office cleaning services. We also do move-in/move-out cleaning. You can reach us at (860) 539-8725. Email us at and request a quote.