Let’s admit it. Not many people are aware of how to clean pillows. Reality check. It can get really filthy and just imagine yourself using it every single night. While it’s always easy to take your pillows to professional cleaners, it wouldn’t hurt if you know how to do it on your own.

This is what this post is all about. We’ll share pro tips on how to wash or clean your beloved pillows.

How To Clean Different Types of Pillows?

There are various kinds of pillows and that means there are different ways to clean each. Make sure that you know the material of your pillow so you can be able to clean it properly without damaging it. As a general step, read the labels first and see if your pillows are machine washable or not.

How To Clean Feather Pillows?

Feather or cotton pillows are known to be the easiest types to clean. In fact, you can just throw it into your washing machine and you can do other chores at home.

Set your washing machine to a gentle cycle and use warm water. Don’t forget to choose mild liquid detergent. When the water is starting to fill up, you can place two pillows into the drum. Avoid overloading the washer because it will not thoroughly clean your pillows. In addition, it might damage your washing machine.

Make sure that all the detergent has been washed out. You can now place it in a dryer and add a tennis ball to give that extra fluff.

How To Clean Wool Pillows?

If you plan to clean wool pillows using a machine, make sure it’s big enough so that water can pass through every inch.

Now, you can add liquid detergent and use a delicate cold wash and rinse cycle. Hang your pillow for around four hours. When done, you can now place your pillows in your dryer and set it at low temperature.

How To Clean Memory Foam Pillows?

Some people think that memory foam pillows cannot be washed. That’s a misconception. However, you need to be extra careful. Do not use a washing machine if you plan to clean it. That can damage the material and the dryer can melt the foam.

You can start by spot cleaning using water, mild detergent and a clean cloth. Gently rub the area and press it on the stains. Now, slightly wet a second clean cloth and press it on the same area firmly. This should remove the detergent and the stain. Repeat the process as necessary. Press a dry towel and make your pillow as dry as possible. Place it in a well-ventilated area to dry out completely.

How To Clean Gel and Microbead Pillows?

You can machine wash your pillow using a gentle cycle. Use cold water and mild detergent. When you are about to clean a microbead pillow, it’s best if you place it first in a large and sealed pillowcase. It’s because there might be rips that loose beads can pass through.

For drying, set it to low temperature and add a tennis ball for added fluff. Do not leave your microbead pillows for a long time in your dryer. Doing so might damage the beads. What we suggest is to line dry or air dry your pillow for the remaining time.

How To Clean Buckwheat Pillows?

Remember this. When cleaning buckwheat pillows, you should focus on the cover and not the buckwheat. If you must know, when buckwheat hulls are soaked, it will get damaged. But that’s not the only thing that can happen. It can also be a breeding ground for molds.

Having said that, you need to remove the filling of your pillow and temporarily place it in a container. The cover can be machine washed using cold water and mild liquid detergent. While you are washing the cover, you can check your buckwheat and see if the hulls are in top condition. Remove the damp ones. Instead, buy more and add to your pillow’s filling.

You can now air-dry your cover or place it under the sun. Do the same to your hulls to make sure that they are completely dry.

How Do You Maintain Your Pillow?

Allow us to summarize the best practices so you can maintain your pillow.

  • Air them out once a week
  • Use mild detergents
  • Read the labels
  • Use pillowcases or pillow protectors

How Often Should You Wash Your Pillows?

According to experts, you must clean your pillows around two to three times a year. That’s not so bad and it shouldn’t eat much of your time. Just add it to your calendar and you are good to go. But you have to remember, your pillowcases require more regular washing.

When Should You Replace Your Pillow?

This depends on the materials of your pillows and how you use them. But generally, polyester pillows, which are quite cheap, can last for six months to one year. For wool, cotton and others, it can even last for five years. Ideally, you must get quality ones because it can last longer, thereby saving you more money.

You can conduct a simple test to see if you need to buy a new set of pillows. Fold your pillow in half and let it go. If it doesn’t go back to a flat position, that’s a sign that you need to get new ones. But that’s not the only thing you should watch out for. If there are stains that cannot be removed no matter how hard you try, then better head to home improvement stores right away.

Clean My Space’s Cleaning Services

Your home should be as clean as your pillows.

If you need help with cleaning your residential spaces – living room, bedroom, home office, kids play room, kitchen, etc, reach out to Clean My Space. We’ll do the work for you. Check out all our cleaning services here.

To schedule an appointment, call us at (860) 539-8725 or chat with one of our representatives.