A regular cleaning schedule goes a long way in making household chores go faster. But most homeowners will clean areas and things that are in plain sight. You won’t think twice about putting that pile of laundry in the washing machine.

But when was the last time you cleaned your blinds? If you’re like most homeowners, you’re drawing a blank right now. While we dust or change curtains on a regular basis, we often forget to pay attention to window blinds.

It’s not surprising. Cleaning window blinds is a time and effort-intensive task. Independent house cleaners can do short work of it. They know how to clean blinds fast and without taking them down. But you can do it too. Make sure you add this method to your cleaning repertoire.

Ready Your Cleaning Tools

The initial step in every cleaning process is to ready the tools. You don’t need any special equipment to tackle your window blinds. It’s best if you have a vacuum cleaner. You’ll be using the soft brush attachment for this job. You also need microfiber cloths. You’ll also need baking soda and dishwashing soap.

Lower the Blinds

Make sure the blinds are now lowered to their full extent. Close aluminum and vinyl blinds so the panels tilt downward. Don’t worry if they’re not 100% closed as their panels are always designed to overlap. But wood blinds and their faux cousins can become closed.

Start with the Duster

It’s time to start getting rid of the dust and dirt blanketing the blind. Use one hand to hold the blind taut at the bottom. You want to stabilize it to make the process easier. Vacuum or dust off the blind with your other hand.

Begin at the top and work your way down. This is to make sure the dust won’t fall on the cleaned panels. Most cleaners for hire will wipe down dust using a downward motion. This will ensure the panels don’t become unhooked. But if you have horizontal blinds, dust from side to side.

Done with one side? Then flip to the other side. Repeat the vacuuming and dusting.

Wipe with Damp Cloth

Vacuuming or dusting might not be enough to get rid of the dust. Wipe soiled blinds with a damp microfiber cloth. Make sure your cleaning cloth isn’t dripping wet. It could cause water streaks across the panels. It could also drip down on the window sill or floor. That’s extra work for you. A wet cloth is also a no-no when you have wooden blinds.

You can also use an old but clean sock. Put your hand inside the sock. Dip it in water. Catch each panel in your hand and wipe away.

Deep-Clean Stubborn Dirt Away

Many independent cleaning services opt to deep clean blinds in kitchens. You can’t clean blinds exposed to grease or oil residue with a simple dusting or wipe-down. You should take the blinds off. Soak them in warm water. Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and one cup of baking soda. Leave it soaking for an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Soak window blinds that are yellowish in a water and bleach solution. Leave it in the cleaning solution for ten minutes. Rinse well with warm water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Clear Away Excess Dust

There will be dust lingering around regardless of your cleaning method. Finish off your residential cleaning by vacuuming the dust that fell on the floor and sill.

Cleaning with Ease

Make sure every inch of your home is clean with Clean My Space CT. Our company is famous for being thorough in each cleaning job. It’s how we’ve become one of the best cleaning firms in Connecticut. Our services include commercial and office cleaning. We also provide complete disinfection services and move in/move out cleaning. You can ring us at (860) 539-8725. You can also request a cleaning schedule at info@cleanmyspacect.com.