Looking out your windows only to have your view smeared by stubborn smudges and streaks can easily make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed, especially if it hasn’t been long since you took good care of them. Luckily, by enlisting the help of professional house cleaning in Wethersfield you can make sure that glass surfaces throughout your home are sparkling clean. If you’re curious about how the pros do it and want to give it a try yourself, go ahead and check out these expert tips on how to keep your windows streakless. 

How do professionals clean windows without streaks?

Achieving crystal-clear windows is all about using the right tools and techniques. Let’s have a look at some of the essential tips to help you on your way. 

Pick a cloudy dayhouse cleaning wethersfield

The first step that will help you secure the efficiency of your work is to pick a day when the sun is hiding behind some friendly clouds. Otherwise, strong sunlight can make your solution evaporate too quickly, leaving behind a residue before you even have the chance to wipe it off. 

However, cold temperatures can be equally problematic as the water can freeze quickly. In this case, you can use warmer water for your solution. 

Remove dust first

Before you get down so spraying and wiping, take down your curtains and blinds for easier access. Then, use your vacuum cleaner or a dry brush to remove any spider webs and dust from window frames, windowsills, and corners. This is an important step as it helps avoid creating a muddy mess when the liquid meets dirt. 

Use distilled water

Whether you’re using your homemade glass solution or a commercial product that needs to be diluted, go for distilled water. Depending on the location, tap water contains more or less minerals and can leave mineral deposits on your surfaces. 

Opt for vinegar

White vinegar is an antibacterial, non-toxic ingredient that’s completely safe for your skin, children, and pets and can work wonders on any kind of glass surface. Grab a spray bottle and load it with a cup of distilled water and a cup of vinegar and your all-natural streak eliminator is ready for use. 

Go easy on soap

If your windows need a deep clean, avoid making a soap solution that’s too sudsy. The truth is it doesn’t take a lot of soap to remove dirt, while using too much can give you a cleaner that’s overly dense and leaves a streaky residue. Try mixing a quart of rubbing alcohol, a quart of water, and 2 drops of a mild liquid dishwasher. 

Avoid paper towels

While they are convenient for wiping and drying different surfaces, paper towels leave lint streaks on glass. The best way to dry your windows is to use a clean, dry microfiber cloth or a squeegee. 

Buff for shinewethersfieldhouse cleaning

Once you’ve finished spraying and wiping, it’s time to give your windows a quick buff. This way, you’ll not only give them added shine, but also make sure you cover any smudges or streaks you may have missed. Use a dry and clean microfiber cloth for optimal results. You can leave this finishing touch to your children if they’re tall enough to reach. 

Where can I find reliable house cleaning in Wethersfield? 

Whether you need help removing some tough stains or you just want your free time back, reach out to our professionals at Clean My Space. With years of experience and thousands of satisfied clients, we have the skills and expertise to take proper care of your home. Whether you live in Old Wethersfield or in another neighborhood, you can count on our dedicated team. Give us a call today!