Whether you’re looking to make your routine less harmful for the environment, or your main goal is securing a safe home for your family, embracing greener cleaning practices can make all the difference. While you can rely on trusted house cleaning services in Wethersfield to provide you with a safe and sustainable treatment, having your own arsenal of eco-friendly solutions and hacks is invaluable. Keep reading to find out how you can make your cleaning more environmentally friendly. 

How do you make eco-friendly house cleaning products?

Rather than opting for harsh chemicals that can be found in many traditional housekeeping products, you can rely on natural options that are equally effective and way less harmful, allowing you to include the entire family in the process. Let’s check out some useful and efficient solutions: 

Baking soda and vinegar

With just two simple ingredients – white vinegar and baking soda, you can cover a range of household tasks without the risk of harming the environment or your loved ones. They don’t leave toxic residues, they’re biodegradable, and when combined, create a reaction that easily unclogs drains and breaks down grime. Here are some great mixtures you can make:

  • Glass and mirrors: Vinegar’s natural acidity allows it to easily cut through smudges and fingerprints, leaving your glass surfaces streak-free. Mix equal parts vinegar and distilled water in a spray bottle, apply on the surface, and wipe with a microfiber cloth.
  • All-purpose cleaner: You can use the same ratio of vinegar and water you used for your glass cleaner and add several drops of your favorite essential oil. It’s an excellent disinfectant you can use on most surfaces around your home. 
  • Odor removal: Baking soda acts as a natural deodorized that absorbs and neutralizes odors. Sprinkle some on your couches, carpets, and even inside shoes and leave for at least 1 hour before vacuuming. 

Microfiber & bamboo cloths

Thanks to their exceptional ability to capture dirt, dust, and microscopic particles without the need of cleaners, microfiber cloths are a must-have of every household. Moreover, they’re long-lasting and can endure countless washes, helping us reduce environmental waste. 

An even greener alternative to disposable options are bamboo cloths which are durable, naturally antibacterial, and highly absorbent. They’re fully biodegradable and compostable, significantly reducing your carbon footprint.

Natural carpet stain remover

Use equal parts borax, salt, and vinegar to create a paste you’ll apply to the stained area on your carpet. Let sit until it’s completely dry, then vacuum it. Salt is a mild abrasive that will loosen dirt, borax is a powerful disinfectant that will remove any germs and bacteria, and vinegar is there to help lift the stain. This mixture is safe for most types of carpeting and is highly effective in helping you keep your space stain-free. 

Sustainable toolshouse cleaning services in wethersfield

Select brooms, scrubbers, and brushes made from natural materials such as coconut fiber and bamboo. These are not only better for the environment but are usually more effective and durable than their synthetic counterparts. Furthermore, they can be composted once their life cycle is over. 

Looking for dependable house cleaning services in Wethersfield?

Clean My Space is your trusted ally for projects of any size and complexity. Our meticulous, highly trained, and reliable professionals are here to listen to your needs and give your home the high-quality tailored treatment it deserves. We combine our extensive expertise with advanced tools and proven methods to make sure you receive optimal results. Whether your home is near the Wethersfield Cove or across the region, we’ll be there to help. Get in touch with us today!