Keeping up with all the housework is one of the biggest struggles many of us have to deal with on a daily basis and finding motivation to manage everything in as little time as possible can be quite a challenge. Whatever the reason behind your procrastination or lack of motivation, in today’s article you can find useful advice on how to stay on top of your chores and regain your motivation to tackle housekeeping tasks. 

While you can always rely on trusted house cleaning services in Newington to take care of your home, finding the will to do it is equally beneficial. Let’s see how!

How do I get motivated to do house chores?

How do I get motivated to do house chores

There will always be countless reasons why we don’t want to take up chores, so let’s explore where you can find the motivation for housekeeping when you’d rather be doing just about anything else: 

Create a list

Make yourself a nice cup of coffee and take a few minutes to focus and create a list of essential tasks you want to tackle. Don’t think about the entire house just yet. Rather, write down those areas that you really need to take care of as soon as possible. 

Fill your home with music and fresh air

Loads of fresh air coming from your wide-open windows can help enhance your mood. Moreover, turning up your favorite music can help lift your spirits and work more efficiently and with more enthusiasm. You can even create a special housekeeping playlist with feel-good beats. 


Come up with the time that works best for you

Tackle your chores when you have the most energy. For many people, the best time to take up difficult tasks is morning. However, you may feel more energetic at another time during the day or even at night when the little ones are in bed and you have a quiet and peaceful setting to focus on your tasks and complete them more efficiently. 

Stay focused on the final result

It’s quite easy to get distracted or discouraged when you have to clean but you don’t want to. A good way to keep your motivation steady is to keep the end in mind. Focus on the nice feeling you get from spending time in your fresh and tidy space and remember that a well-organized home can make you feel less stressed and overwhelmed. It’s definitely worth the time. 

How to Stay Motivated to Tackle Household Chores

Treat yourself

Who doesn’t enjoy a reward for their hard work? Even rewarding yourself with a small treat can be an excellent motivator. It doesn’t have to be something expensive. Once you’re done, get yourself a nice cup of tea, have a relaxing bath, or take some time to read. Looking forward to a treat can help keep your motivation high. 

Give up perfectionism

Don’t forget it’s almost impossible to keep every corner of your home perfectly clean. Rather than stressing about it, have some fun with your little ones as they’ll only be that little for a short time. Sometimes, it can be fun to leave the dishes, embrace a messy house, and curl up for a movie night. 

Looking for trusted house cleaning services in Newington?

Whether you’re looking to keep your stainless steel appliances nice and shiny or your home needs a thorough spring clean, you can count on Clean My Space. We use tried-and-true methods and reliable equipment to give you optimal results that guarantee your satisfaction. Whether you need us near the National Iwo Jima Memorial or in another area, we’ll be there to help. Contact us today!