Now, more than ever, you need to find the best residential deep cleaning services. But how can you do it with all the cleaning companies available today? Good news because we are here to help you. We’ll talk about the characteristics of an excellent residential deep cleaning service.

What Is a Residential Cleaning Service?

When we talk about residential deep cleaning, it’s more than just dusting your appliances or cleaning the bathroom. One important thing that your cleaning company must do is to disinfect your homes. While the cases of COVID-19 are getting lower each month, it is still very much alive and we still need to practice health protocols and precautions.

What Is Included in a Residential Deep Cleaning Service?

Before hiring a cleaning service, you must ask them first what is included in their package. Don’t be afraid to look at different providers and compare their offerings. That way, you can guarantee that you will be hiring the best cleaning company. Here’s a checklist that you can refer to:

  • Emptying trash
  • Dusting
  • Vacuuming
  • Sweeping
  • Wiping countertops
  • Cleaning door handles and light fixtures
  • Changing linens
  • Cleaning kitchen appliances
  • Doing the dishes
  • Cleaning the sink, tub and showers
  • Disinfecting

The more services they offer, the better. Having said that, you should not base your decision on the rates alone. Maybe a company offers the cheapest rates, but think about what you will get from them? If you still need to do the heavy chores, it’s not worth it.

You might think if fogging is a service you need. With fogging, it involves specially-designed equipment where the disinfectant is sprayed in a particular area. Experts have already shared their two cents about this practice. For them, nothing beats manual cleaning. However, it can complement the regular services from cleaning companies.

What To Look For in Residential Deep Cleaning Services?

You must do your due diligence before you get into an agreement with a residential deep cleaning service provider. You can do your research both online and offline.

Updated Company Website and Social Media Pages

The easiest and fastest way to check a company’s credibility is to review its website and social media pages. Check if it’s updated and look for reviews. When a residential deep cleaning company is active online, they are likely taking their business seriously. That’s a good sign.

However, you also have to be cautious with the information you see online. That’s where offline research comes in. Ask your network about their preferred cleaning company. Narrow down your options and personally inquire about their services. This brings us to the next point.

Full-Suite Of Services

As we’ve mentioned, different companies offer different cleaning services. Always check the inclusions before you decide. Since we prioritize your health during this pandemic, a cleaning company offering disinfecting services must be on top of your list.

Customer Service and Technical Expertise

Your cleaners should be more than just technically-equipped. They must have outstanding customer skills as well. They need to know how to communicate well so you can also provide them with your instructions. A good communicator not only means they can talk nicely. They should know how to listen and act accordingly.

Cleaning Equipment

Also, you need to check what type of cleaning equipment they use, especially their chosen disinfectants. Their products must be approved by the governing bodies to ensure that it will kill the viruses.

Don’t forget to check if the cleaners will wear PPEs while cleaning your home. Remember, they need to protect themselves as well. And lastly, see if the company has insurance for property damages.

What Can You Do To Protect Your Home From Viruses?

Of course, we do understand that there are times when you would rather clean on your own. If this is the case, make sure to cover everything.

Clean High-Touch Surfaces

High-touch surfaces include doorknobs and light switches. Make it a habit to clean and disinfect these at least once a day. There are many disinfectants available in home improvement stores. Get your supply but never hoard. Remember when people panicked and bought all the alcohol and tissue paper rolls at the height of the pandemic? We don’t want that to happen. Just have enough supply for a month or two.

  • Speaking of disinfectants, you need to be careful if you plan to use one.
  • Use one disinfectant at a time instead of using several products.
  • Religiously follow the instructions.
  • Wear protective gear such as gloves, long sleeves and goggles.
  • Ensure that your area is well-ventilated.

Some of the most effective disinfectants are Clorox, Lysol, Purell and Isopropyl Alcohol.

Wash Your Hands After Cleaning

When you are done cleaning your home, don’t forget to clean up yourself. Wash your hands or take a bath. Practice good hygiene where you wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds. If counting 20 is too dull, sing a Happy Birthday song twice.

How To Clean Your Home After Someone Has Been Sick?

If someone was sick in your home, calling professional cleaners is the best solution. They know exactly what to do to ensure that your home is fully disinfected. For such concerns, contact Clean My Space right away.

You see, you might have the right tools for cleaning and disinfecting your home, but experts know how to combat viruses. For example, they don’t immediately remove the product from the surfaces. Instead, they wait for 10 minutes before wiping it all off.

If you still haven’t decided which company to call, here are a few things you can do in the meantime

  • Wash all linens using the warmest possible water.
  • Do not shake the dirty laundry as this might disperse the virus.
  • Dispose the garbage.
  • Disinfect faucets and other high-touch surfaces.

Get Clean My Space for Residential Deep Cleaning Services

If you need help with residential deep cleaning services, Clean My Space is the right team for you. With our impeccable experience, we can provide outstanding cleaning services. Our team guarantees a sparkly clean property while keeping all things safe. Call us right now, request a quote and book a schedule.