There may come a time when you wonder how often you should clean your toilet. It is important to do so for your health, especially with the ongoing pandemic. Moreover, your bathroom is one of the most germ-ridden areas in your home.

Keep in mind that every time you flush your toilet, particles are often projected into the air. They will spread around the room. When you neglect it, this can lead to a build-up of harmful bacteria, mold, and mildew. These can cause skin, eye, and throat irritation.

Keeping your bathroom clean will result in better hygiene and a range of health benefits. This article will tell you how often you should clean your toilet bowl. It will also provide you with a guide on cleaning basics to make your toilet bowl shine.

Useful Guide on Cleaning Basics to Make Your Toilet Bowl Shine

Remember that a toilet seat is a place for bacteria to grow. You might also find harmful bacteria like fungi on the flesh of your toilet. Take note that this bacteria can cause harmful diseases. These include fungal infections and skin rashes. This is the reason why it’s very crucial to clean your toilet bowl on the inside and outside.

It is ideal that you deep clean your toilet once a week. But the frequency usually depends on the number of people who use your bathroom and how messy they are. After all, there are individuals who forget to flush, so it is a good idea to clean your toilet more often.

It never hurts to tidy the area in-between cleanings. You should consider giving your toilet a once-over at the end of the day with an antibacterial wipe. This can get the germs off the seat and handle especially if a person who happens to be sick lives in your house. Set the wipes on the back of your toilet. Make sure to give everything a quick wipe down after each use. This habit will also prevent grime from building up.

Here are the cleaning basic to make your toilet bowl shine:

Collect the Things You Need

The most important item that you need to clean your toilet is a toilet brush. A good toilet brush can help you scrub out all the dirt and grime that is not visible to you.

Another item you will need is toilet bowl cleaner. This will help sanitize your toilet bowl and kill the germs and bacteria. Toilet bowl cleaners are often available online and in grocery stores. You can even buy it by selecting its fragrance.

Make Sure to Reduce Water Level

Now that you have your cleaning supplies, reduce the water level of the toilet bowl. Then, get a bucket and fill it with water. Pour the water into the toilet. This will help you drain all the excess water.

Apple Detergent or Disinfectant

Make sure to apply the disinfectant around the rim of the toilet bowl. Then, wait for it to drain down the sides of the bowl. Take note that this disinfectant will not only kill all the germs, but it will also remove the awful smell.

Don’t Forget to Scrub and Rinse

Get your brush and use it to scrub your toilet to remove all the grime. Then, rinse the disinfectant by flushing your toilet. Don’t forget to clean your brush after you use it. Also, clean the area around your toilet seat to maintain proper hygiene.

Wipe Down the Exterior of the Toilet

You can use disinfecting wipes to wipe down the exterior of the toilet. Or a combination of disinfecting spray and a cloth. You can also opt for paper towels or a sponge. Use them to wipe down all the external surfaces of the toilet. Make sure to pay special attention to any areas you often touch. In particular, the seat and the flushing handle.

You can also use an old toothbrush to scrub hard-to-reach places like the toilet seat hinge. But make sure you mark it for its purpose and keep it far away from any other toothbrushes in the house. This will avoid any confusion during your morning routine.

Disinfect the Bz`rush and Brush Holder

Prop the wet toilet brush under the seat cover. Then, pour bleach over the end and into the toilet bowl. Make sure to let it sit for a minute. After that, rinse using a pitcher of water.

To clean the brush’s canister, fill it with warm, soapy water. Then, you can dump it right in the toilet as well. You should resist the urge to stick the damp brush back in the canister. Instead, you should let the brush air out before putting it away. This will ensure that you’re not encouraging bacteria growth.

After you clean your toilet bowl, you might want to peel off your gloves. But before doing that, you should head for the sink and give your gloved hands a good scrubbing. Make sure to use soap and hot water. This is the best way to make sure you don’t get your hands dirty and your gloves clean. After that, hang or prop your gloves to dry before putting them away for the next use.

When cleaning your toilet bowl, you should avoid using tank additives. These tablets or discs can turn your toilet water blue. They seem like an easy and maintenance-free option, but they will void your warranty. These tank additives will attack the working mechanisms in the tank itself.

Wondering if you need weekly residential cleaning services? You can hire professional cleaners from Clean My Space CT. Our services include office cleaning services and commercial cleaning. We offer move in/move out cleaning and disinfection services as well. For inquiries, you can call us at (860) 539-8725. You can also send us an email at and request a quote.