Marble has a long history. This timeless material was a popular building material in ancient Greece. It was a beloved medium during the Renaissance. You only need to see the majestic cathedrals and exquisite sculptures of that time.

Marble continues to have a strong presence in modern times. Many homeowners choose marble for their floors and countertops. There are many reasons for its timeless appeal. For one, marble is heat resistant. It doesn’t catch fire or burn. You can put a hot pan on the surface without worries. It also has unique patterns. Every stone has distinct veining, which makes it attractive to homeowners.

Marble is also easy to clean. Independent house cleaners won’t have to spend hours on it. You can even do it on your own. Here are the steps you can take when cleaning marble countertops.

Choose Your Cleaning Solution

Marble is a beautiful and durable material. But it does have its quirks. The main one is its sensitivity to an acidic solution. Calcium carbonate is the main component of marble. So anything acidic can eat through the material. Spilling lemon juice or margarita could create dull spots.

Your best option is mild cleaning solutions with a neutral pH. There are several all-purpose cleaners out today that are gentle enough for marble. Mrs. Meyers’s Clean Day cleaning solution is one example.

Wipe Clean Using a Mild Cleaner

Marble countertops are so easy to clean and maintain. Cleaners for hire wipe it clean using a damp cloth and a mild cleaning solution. A water and dish soap solution is quite effective.

Spray the solution on the marble countertop. Wipe it down with a clean cloth. Microfiber cloth remains the best option. Don’t like sprays? Dip a cloth in a soapy solution and wipe the counter clean. Dry the surface with a dry cloth.

You can repeat the process as often as needed. You might have to make the wipe-down a daily thing for kitchen countertops. It’s because it’s a high-traffic area. You can clean bathroom countertops once a week.

Deal with Deep Stains

Marble countertops are also susceptible to staining. You can avoid this with regular cleaning. But sometimes spills will leave annoying stains behind. Most of these can become cleaned without problems if you know what cleaner to use.

You can remove oil-based stains with mineral oil or a regular detergent. Food or wine stains are trickier. You can use a mix of 12% peroxide bleach and ammonia to remove these stains. But this is best for light-colored marble. The bleach could discolor darker-colored countertops. A lacquer thinner is a better option for this type of marble.

Buff Until It Shines

A polished marble countertop always looks great. You can keep it shiny with baking soda. Sprinkle a bit on the countertop. Rub it with a damp cloth. Wipe the surface clean with a damp towel. Wrap things up by drying the surface with a soft cloth.

Dull spots can also appear on your marble countertop. These can ruin it. Many top independent cleaning services will use a #0000 steel wool to buff these areas. This can smooth out gouges and fine scratches. Deep scratches need a professional touch. It will need a thorough sanding of the countertop.

Seal It

Some marble countertops should become sealed from time to time. The manufacturer will recommend when to do this. You’ll also know when it’s time to seal the counter. Splash some water on the surface. It’s time to seal if the water doesn’t bead up.

Helping Maintain Your Home’s Timeless Beauty

Clean My Space CT is your ally when it comes to maintaining your home’s beauty. Our company is one the best cleaning services firm in Connecticut. We’ve been in the business for more than a decade. Our longevity proves our expertise. We have a great cleaning team that’s ready 24/7. We provide residential and office cleaning services. We also offer commercial cleaning and disinfection services. Give us a ring at (860) 539-8725 or send us an email at