Many Americans feel their productivity disappears when they have a cluttered office. Their motivation drops as well. This isn’t only in their heads. Experts say our physical environment has a direct impact on how we work. In short, a messy office means unproductive workers.

It makes a lot of sense logistics-wise. One survey showed that employees spend around two hours a week looking for documents. Research also proved that our environment affects our decision-making skills. It can either help or hinder our physical and mental well—being.

This is why corporations invest in independent cleaning services. These companies ensure an office remains clean and organized. It helps keep employees focused on their tasks. They also get peace of mind knowing their workspace is always sanitized and free of viruses.

Small businesses might not have the means to have a cleaning company come every day. But there are things workers can do to keep their office clean even on a budget.

Start with a Clean Slate

The first step to organizing an office is to remove clutter. This can be time-consuming, but once you have an organized space, it will save you time in the long run. 

Start by placing your items into various piles. It’s an extreme method, but it leads to great results. Remove everything on your desk, then from there, slowly add those items that you need. First, your laptop since it’s something you use every day. Then, probably add a pad of paper and pens for your daily notes and so on. The idea is to ensure all your work essentials are within reach and those you don’t often use are stored in cabinets. 

Invest in Storage

Clutter happens when items don’t have a proper place. Most offices will have a desk with drawers. But this isn’t enough. You should invest in filing cabinets and shelves, but they don’t have to be brand new. A used filing cabinet works as well as a new one. A closet with shelves is also practical.

Every item you place on shelves should also be properly arranged. Here are common storage hacks: 

  • Using binders to store manuals. 
  • Plastic bins use for holding documents and gadgets. Make sure there are carryalls for small but essential items like pens and paperclips.
  • Attaching a binder clip to keep cords in tact. 
  • Label everything.  

Say Goodbye to Paper

Receipts and printed documents all contribute to a messy office. You can do away with this by going digital. Some programs and apps let you save documents and other information online. These systems can also make it easier to organize and share documents. You’ll also be doing your part to protect Mother Earth. 

Choose an Eating Spot

Working while lunching? Sounds pretty convenient, especially when you have deadlines. But the practice only gives the cleaners for hire more work to do. They’ll have to clean the mess of crumbs and sticky substances left behind.

It’s best to have an eating area for your team. A pantry, even a small one, is better than having lunch at your desk. It gives your employees a chance to socialize and be more mindful of their diet.

Helping Keep Your Office Clean and Productive

Clutter drains your time and motivation. You can avoid all that with the help of Clean My Space CT. As one of Connecticut’s premier cleaning companies, we have a team of dedicated and well-trained cleaners ready to work. 

Our services include residential and commercial cleaning. We also provide office cleaning services and disinfection services. You can give us a buzz at (860) 539-8725 if you have any questions. We’ll be happy to discuss things with you. You can also drop us a line and make a booking at